H. B. Morgan writes on Aug. 20, 1945 to Grover Morgan's family stationed in Louisiana. First, he still seems concerned about "the Jap die hards" and Grover possibly shipping out. But, then he talks about his grandson Garrett G. Morgan pictured above with his parents---Ethel and Clifford Morgan (circa 1942).
Then, he writes about the green car (100,750 miles), Paul, the progress on the garage and the closing of a plant which should get him some miners.
(I don't know who the boy is on the back fence, either---possibly a Bohan grandchild)
Ellice's letter August 21, 1945, also mentions the war and "as Popeye would say, I don't trusk them Japs." She also talks about a trip to Logan County to visit her brother Harry Smith and the car trouble they had on the way.
Threshing wheat and buckwheat Aug. 1943: Addie Bohan, Ellice Morgan, H.B. Morgan in the back
Tire technology and materials have sure come a long way in the last 60+ years. You really never worry today about having a flat, but they were very common back then, accentuated by wartime shortages and poorer roads.
Re the two pictures, I don't know who the other woman or the boy are -- but I'm sure she's not Aunt Vic, whose face was thinner. She might be Mrs. Smith, from the house catty-corner to the farm, or Mrs. Bohon, from down the hill; but I don't recall them.
From Harry Morgan: "I have some comments for "The Threshers" you posted in your Blog, Jaci. In the first photo, Mommy Morgan is in the center, and I believe the woman on her left is a good friend and neighbor from just down the road, Addie (probably nickname forAdilade) Bohan. I remember walking with Mom and Dad and Dave, and HBM and Mommy Morgan , down to the Bohan house for a viewing one afternoon (I didn't know that's what it was called at the time...I must have been 5 or6 years old) for Addie's husband, who had just passed away. Lots of food, and lots of people. I remember wandering around the property for several minutes just before we left, and saw an old black sedan in the garage that looked like it hadn't been driven in a long time (I now know it was a 1933 or '34 Chevrolet 4-dor sedan, wire wheels and all). The youngster sitting on the fence in the background may have been a grandson of Addie's.
In the second picture, Addie is standing close to the thresher, and Mommy Morgan holding the sack across from her. I believe that the man about 20 yds away with the sythe is indeed HBM, wearing a hat as he almost always did when he was outdoors."
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