David (whose wife is a Graham descendant) went to a genealogical bulletin board and started corresponding with a gentleman who had recently purchased a Bible at a garage sale in Arizona.

We aren't sure how the Bible made it to Arizona or why it would be sold in a garage sale but it had belonged to someone in the George Erastus Graham family.

It was pretty tattered, but had some genealogical information which we hadn't had. Double-click on the information to enlarge.

It had the birthdates of many of George Erastus Graham and Margaret Ellen Newton's children.

It also had their marriage date and there were a number of obituaries---mostly of them and their children . . .

But, occasionally there was one for someone whom we are not sure of the relationship. We did figure out that the one below was for Theodora Graham Turner.

As David commented, the flowery prose of obituaries in the past are very touching even if we don't know the individual
My name is Tyler Graham. This Bible would be my Great Great Grandfathers. His son Eddy was the Father of MY Grandfather (Lawrence Erastus Graham). I would LOVE to know more information on the Bible.
My email is tmgrhm@hotmail.com
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