Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Photos and Calling Cards

David M. came by last week to show me some photos and calling cards from his wife's family. The photo above is of Kingsley Olds who was Lydia Graham's father-in-law. The frame was a flexible metal like aluminum, but it was probably more like copper.
He also had some beautiful calling cards from various family members (double click to enlarge).

The hand bends to also reveal the name Ann G. Graham or Anna Gilmore Graham Usher who was the granddaughter of Thomas Jefferson Graham.

This calling card was for Charles Graham who was also Thomas Jefferson's grandson.
The woman on the left is probably Lydia Graham Olds who was Theodore Graham's daughter.
Lydia Graham married Kingsley Olds pictured above.

When the photo was closed it had a beautiful little cover (above)

Ephraim Graham (above) was killed shortly after returning from the Civil War. He was also one of Theodore Graham's sons.

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