War Department Adjutant General's Office Washington Oct. 14, 1887
Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions. John D. Maupin, a Private of Company D 9th Regiment MO. S. M.Cavy. Volunteers was enlisted on the 22nd day of March, 1862 at Wellsville, Mo. for the War and is reported on roll to April 30th 1862 present as Blacksmith, so born (?) to Dec 31st 1863, Jany and Feby 1864, absent on detached service March and April 1864, present, as born (?) to Aug 31st 1864; Sept and Oct 1864 absent in the field; Nov and Dec 1864 present. Jany and Feby1865 absent on detached service at Macon MO.
Muster out roll of Co, dated April 21st 1865 at Sturgeon Mo, reports him mustered out with Co. on that day as Blacksmith.
Returns for July and Sept 1862 do not report him absent; March 1865 absent on special with Pxxx O, M at Macon Mo.
Regl'l Hospital Record are not on fileThe recors of this office funrish no evidence of disability.
Not born (?) on rolls of Co D 9th Mo. Cavalry Volunteers
R.C. Drum
Neighbors Affidavit
State of Missouri, County of Macon. In the matter of Claim for Pension of Joh D. Maupin on this 12th day of November A.D. 1887 personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County duly authorized to administer oaths. Patrick Cain age 64 a resident of Macon in the county of Macon Missouri whose post office address is Macon Mo...
That they have been well and personally acquainted with the claimant and that he belonged to the same Company and Regiment with the Claimant and was intimately acquainted with him from the time of the discharge from the service in 1865 until he removed from Macon Mo, sometime in the year 1868. That Claimant was troubled with duian(?) of the bowels before his discharge and suffered with diarrhea from the time of his discharge aforesaid and during the three years immediately following . My knowledge of the above facts is derived from seeing him frequesntly and hearing him complain at the time of his said disability and by showed from his appearance that he was suffering during said time.
That he has no knowledge of claimants disability after he removed away from Macon Mo in 1868. That during the time from 1865to 1868 claimant was unable to do manual labor of any kind for at least three years.
Neighbors Affidavit 29 October 1887 St. Catharine, Linn County
This affadavit is difficult to read but it has the testimony of two people: J. M. Scott and W.R. Davis who also swear that he is unable to do any manual labor and at times is "utterly prostrate".
This certificate from the Department of the Interior, bureau of pensions is dated April 7, 1894 and is addressed to John D. Maupin, Blacksmith Co D, 9th Regiment Mo. S.M. Vol.Cav. (in upper left corner). It has other information "So. Div.; JFC, Ex'r, orig. Inv.Ct. No. 618.059" But I don't understand what that
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