Thursday, May 4, 2023

John Dabney Maupin's Application for Civil War Pension Part 3


Neighbors Affidavit

I'm not sure how it information about being with Connecticut Volunteers---obviously a mistake.  So skipping down 4 lines:

"Christopher Spies aged 57 years, a resident of Linn Co. Late Co. C, 12th ConVols (???)) whose post office address is St. Catherine in Linn Co. Mo. who being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case as follows:that he has lived a neighbor and has known John D. Maupin  for 20 years last past and that he was afflicted with chronic diarrhea up to the present time and from which disability and its consequences he is at present a helpless invalid requiring constant care and watching by his wife.  He further states his health and condition is such that he is liable to succumb almost ANY day.

That this claim outht to have immediate attention.  I know these facts from personal knowledge and have seen him as much as once a week for ten years. . . . .

24th May 1897. St. Catherine in the county of Linn state of MO."

This document is untitled but is testimony of Jane Gross Maupin and John W. Finney, Justice of Peace:

"On this 24th day of May 1897, personal appearance before me Mrs. Jane G. Maupin age 56, a resident of St. Catherine, MO, wife of John D. Maupin late Co. D 9 Reg Mo Cavalry war 61 (?), and that at present and for many years prior to this date, he has been a total physical weak .  So that she has to wait on him the same as a CHILD both day and night and that she knows that he was suffering from effects of chronic diarrhea and its result is when he came home that she could respectfully ask that his case be made SPECIAL his present Pen??? under new law is 618.059

Jane G. Maupin

State of Mo

Linn Co.  Subscribed and seen before me by Jane G. Maupin who I well know and that she is a credible witness and the aforesaid affidavit  read to her and understood by her in signing the same and that I am not interested in the prosecution of this claim for pension.  In Sistime any where I have set my had a Justice of Peace for Linn Co. Mo.  

John W. Finney, Justice of the Peace

I hereby certify that John W. Finney who has signed his name to the foregoing affidavit was at the time of doing it a Justice of the Peace in and for said county and state duly commissioned and from that all his official acts as such are entitled to full faith and ended it this signature there is genuine.

Geo. W. Adams, Clerk Court Linn Co. Mo"

Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington DC January 15 1898

Certificate no. 618.059

John D. Maupin

Sir:  In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for your next quarterly payment please favor me by returnint this circular to him with replies to the questions enumerated below.  

Very respectfully, ???? Evans, commissioner

First.  Are you married?  If so state your wife's full name and her maiden name: Jane G. Maupin---Jane G. Dickinson

Second. When, where and by whom were you married?:  June 6th 1858 Williamsburg, Mo by Stephen Ham, Minister

Third. What record of marriage exists:  Recorded at Fulton Callaway Co Mo.

Fourth. Were you previously marriedd?  If so please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce:  Narcissa Maupin died at Wellsville Mo Aug 28th 1857.

Fifth.  Have you any children Living?  If so please state their names and dates of their birth:  T.C. Maupin April 8th 1838, Wm. A. June 29th 1842, Nannie M. Feb. 5th 1845, Mattie A July 14th 1859, Henry W. May 7th 1861, John D. Jan. 16th 1869, Ira R Jan. 6th 1872, Oliver T Nov. 29th 1873.

John D. Maupin (his mark)

April 30th, 1898

Witness:  E. Anderson, Mattie A. Maupin

Pensioner Dropped

U. S. Pension Agency

Topeka Kans, Oct. 31 1900

Certificate 618.059

John D. Maupin

Blacksmith D 9 Mo S M Cav

Sir:  I have the honor to report that the above named pensioner who was last paid at $12 to 4Aug. 1899 has been dropped because of death.

Jane Gross Dickenson Maupin died June 28, 1897 one month after she gave testimony on how near death he was.  John Dabney Maupin died August 16, 1899.  I don't have any documents stating he was entitled to a pension, just this last one stating he was last paid $12.

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