On genealogy web-sites William Graham and Margaret [Mc] Carroll (my 4 greats) were said to live in Fremont which is supposed to be Frumet Missouri. But, we never really knew where they lived until Dwight carefully read an article on the Jefferson County Historical Society web site. Scroll down to the Dugan Cemetery and begin reading on the second page:
28th June 1825 we find deed from William Graham to Stephen Lamarque of Washington County, 640 acres, for $426.26, being the settlement right of Elijah Benton and by him conveyed to Burnell J. Thompson who sold it to William Clinton who sold it to William Graham, as recorded in Book B Page 214.Scroll down a bit more to see where the red crosses are on the maps which Dave Halleman has provided. Independently, Dwight and I agreed where the land was on a Google map. With the GPS co-ordinates, my husband and I headed to Frumet, Missouri.
I was concerned that I might not be able to find a place to explore on the west side of Big River, so my first plan was to go down Hidden Valley Ranch Lane to see if I could photograph the hill side across the river.
I met two young men who were "processing" a deer they'd just shot. They told me that Norm Valle owned the land---they warmed up a bit when I told them I was related to Norm and had talked to his aunt a few months ago. So, they looked at my maps and pointed me in the right direction.
I do tend to get distracted and found this house for sale on Breckenridge Road.
Then, we drove down the road and found another break in the barbed wire.
I very happily found your blog. I'm a descendant of Simon Washington McCarroll---born in Tennessee and then moved to the Bloomfield, Missouri area. He was born in 1837. My grandfather, Ben F. McCarroll was born in Missouri in 1880. I have not been able to confirm S. W. McCarroll's parents. I live in Idaho. I think we're connected in some way, though I'm trying to confirm it. Any information you might have would be MUCH appreciated!
Is this your guy? Leave your e-mail---we probably are related.
Hi! Sorry it's been a while for me to reply. My email is JMSurab@gmail.com. I don't think the link you sent is my ancestor, though, I'm not completely sure. Thanks for any help you might be able to give. I think we go back to the "same place" though I don't have any actual proof beyond Simon W. McCarroll.