Sunday, November 21, 2010

Frumet and Big River

This is the 1898 Township map (double click to enlarge) showing my great-grandfather's farm on the far right (Thomas Long), but this blog is about the area to the left by the Big River wending it's way up the map.

My Graham ancestors are often said to be from Frumet (seen above on the map--where their land was is outlined in yellow) Almost all of my ancestors on Grandpa Roy Long's side of the family are from Big River Township---the Longs, Reiters, Tyreys, Browns and Grahams. As children, my cousins and I played in the Big River at Uncle Lawrence's club house.

This blog will be about north of Highway H where Frumet and McKean's mine were. Although several have made jokes about Frumet being far "from it", it probably got its name from a mining company:

A post office established in 1876 and discontinued in 1910. The Frumet Company operated lead mines here; doubtless named for the company.

Source: Welty, Ruth. "Place Names of St. Louis And Jefferson County." M.A. thesis., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1939.

There was one old building in Frumet which I thought was possibly an old church. Note the outhouse. . .
Which was a "two holer".
Examining the area between the outhouse and the building I found what appears to be the base of an old school desk. I later found this:

Charlotte M. Maness transcribed old newspapers see below:
Jefferson Democrat Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri

January 1883

FRUMET NEWS - Mr. Editor - It has been  some time since you
have heard from this section.

A. MANDLE is still doing a large business at the
Frumet store.

James S. WILLIAMS has been very sick for some time,
but is on the mend now, and it is hoped he will recover.

A.A. DUNLAVEY preaches at Frumet every fourth Sunday.
There is an evergreen Sunday school at the Frumet school
house.  It is about to enter into its eighth year.  Can
every portion of the county say as much?
So, it is possible that this was a school house and a Sunday School although it's on the map as the Frumet P.O.
One of my goals was to find evidence of mines---I failed miserably, but I thought that was interesting rock out cropping.
Next we went to the river---think it's changed much in 200 years?

When googling Merrell Horse Conservation area I found this link. It's funny because I told my husband our next Jefferson County Exploration was going to be here:
And, that link is about a float trip between Merrell's Horse to Brown's Ford something I would LOVE to do. Anybody up for it next summer? If we can't find a boat, we can always go "old school" in inner tubes! Click here to see my cousins and me in inner tubes.



  2. Hello to fellow 'Frumet' friends and those who may be inquisitive about the Frumet, MO area,

    I remember Frumet, MO as a teenager/young man in the 1970s and 1980s.
    My buddies and I, residing in south St. Louis County, would frequently visit a friend's uncle's property/cabin on Ware Rd., off of Hwy. H, just barely west of where Frumet was located on Hwy. H at that time.
    Long-time area residents may recall loud music and much target-shooting-gunfire emanating from the area back in the day.
    That was us. Sorry if we disturbed anyone too terribly.

    Frumet had a single silver building with a single signpost, on the south side of Hwy. H, approximately 1/3 to 1/2 mile east of the location pointed out in the YouTube video, 'Frumet to Big River' that accompanies this blog, just east of Ware Rd.
    The silver building might still be there. I'm not sure of that, though.
    It's been some years since I've been in the area.

    The single signpost had 'Frumet' signs attached to each side of the same post in front of the one silver-painted building.
    Driving past, if you blinked, you missed it.

    I don't know what year the 'Frumet' sign came down, but upon passing by that location in later years, I noticed that the 'Frumet' sign is no longer there.

    My group of friends spent many happy weekends at the cabin on Ware Rd.
    We would frequently float and fish the Big River from Mammoth Access to Merrill Horse access and further downstream to Brown's Ford access.
    'Big Don' Maglothin operated Pine Ford Canoe Rental out of the Pine Ford Grocery store, which was located a little way west of the Big River on Hwy. H.
    I remember him as being a happy, easy-going guy.

    The oddity of the name 'Frumet' itself, and the single abandoned silver building with one signpost with Frumet slapped on each side of it has intrigued me throughout my life.



  3. Looking for more information about this place, I understand there was a steel bridge with that name on it too.
    Any info would helpful.

    Thank you

    R. Frumet

  4. Hello,

    There's an abandoned steel bridge a short way upstream from the modern Hwy. H bridge that crosses the Big River at the location of the MDC Merrill Horse river access.
    There is also a small road that leads to the bridge, a short way east of the Big River, with its entrance on the south side of Hwy. H.

    I used to visit the area in the 1970s and 1980s when this road was accessible, but in later years it had a cable installed across at its entrance, blocking access.
    I recall seeing signage on the bridge, but I can't recall if it said Frumet or it was the bridge manufacturer's name.

    It's been a few decades since I've visited there, so I don't know if that road has grown over or if it's still visible.
    The bridge can be seen by boat, but the signage on the bridge is not visible from the river without trespassing onto the property.
    It may be possible to contact the property owner to get permission to visit.

    I have great memories of visiting the area as a teenager and young man, and still occasionally put my boat in the river and fish for whatever will bite my lures.

    Good luck to you.


  5. To R. Frumet,

    The old steel bridge can be seen on Google Earth at this Google Earth page:,-90.70220183,160.28469018a,78.33334415d,35y,0.7847087h,1.20096363t,0r/data=OgMKATA

    Smalljaw Chaser (Bob)

  6. Posted below is the Google Earth location where I knew the doubled sided "Frumet" sign to be located before it was removed some time in the 80s or possibly early 90s. I'm not exactly sure when the sign was taken down. I just noticed that it was gone sometime around then.

    The buildings that are there now look (from Google Earth anyway) as if someone has upgraded the property to a great extent, possibly incorporating the original building into the current dwelling.

    When I was frequenting the area on a regular basis years ago, there was a grown-over, seemingly abandoned small silver-painted building at this location, which I assumed was at one time the Frumet post office.
    I may be wrong about that assumption.,-90.69153323,184.62800087a,105.11296263d,35y,178.3432922h,0t,0r/data=OgMKATA


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