Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Grover's Photo Collages

In addition to clocks, Grover occasionally made photo collages. Above is one he made with our dog Griffin. . .OK, we housed Griffin, paid his bills, but he was Grover's dog.
He made the one above for our 19th anniversary.The one above and below were for a reunion we had in the Smoky Mountains in 1997.

Photo collages must be a genetic hobby----below are photos which my daughter Rebecca made for me a few years ago.
Rachel made this one last year of my Princess Leia photos.
And, Leah put together a new photo grouping for me a few weeks ago.
Thanks to all of you for the wonderful photos and the memories.


  1. Grover occasionally made photo collages.
    This photo is really very beautiful...

    See More Details

  2. I love these. I know you are so happy to have them!


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