Monday, August 3, 2009

Grover's Clocks

My father-in-law Grover, loved making clocks with photos and other memorabilia. I've given most of them to the girls, but here are some. The one above was to honor Eloise's golfing.
This one includes his driver's license and various cards.

This clock has photos of Eloise as a girl and teenager---it hung in his hall at the apartment.

This one he made for me---it hung in my kitchen for many years---made of family recipe cards.

Carrie Berry was one Ellice's nieces or cousins.
Here's a dump cake recipe from Ethel Morgan (Clifford Morgan's wife)
Ellice Smith Morgan's cookies.

The egg nog is probably from Alice Alderson Fry.

He made this from one of our records for Rebecca's birthday.


  1. Ok...I want Mommy's Sugar Cookie recipe, but what is the first ingredient? And how much?!? Thank GOD for computers...

  2. You can't read your grandmother's typing? oleo=margarine 1.5 pound

    I'm just wondering what a "mixing bown" is and why you can't use one.

  3. Dave says, upon seeing the ingredients, that a standard mixing "bown" would be too small---you need an oversized bowl or wash tub to mix this in.

  4. What a fantastic job! Love the idea of a large Grover's clocks..

    See More Details

  5. These are FANTASTIC! He made Brad and me one with a record and we used it forever!

    I remember Mamaw Morgan making oatmeal raisin cookies on a big wooden board I think. I love the recipe collage!

  6. But wait-maybe THESE were the cookies now that I' ve read to the end and see raisins can be added...

  7. I want to get a job making up these "word verification" words. I love them...


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