While at the Fry Family Reunion, Suzy had some photos in an album. The photo above is "the homeplace Enon, WV".
George Henry Clay Alderson, pictured above was my husband's Great Grandfather. The photos below are some of his children and one grandchild.
This is Lena (Evalina) Alderson Hummel (b. 1875) for whom my mother-in-law, Lena Eloise Fry is named and my daughter Rebecca Leigh Morgan is also named for her. Rebecca has one of Lena's rings which was left to Eloise in Lena's will.
Ida Alderson Masters, pictured above died at 34 years old along with a baby. She is mentioned in this letter.
Alice Alderson Fry was my husband's grandmother, George Henry Clay Alderson's daughter.
Another daughter is Zela Irene Alderson who was married to Arch Wesley Grant. We have some ice skates we inherited from her.
This is Otis Hambra Alderson (b. 1874) whom I just discovered applied to belong to the Sons of the American Revolution.
Finally, this is Alfreda Fry Morris, my husband's aunt. I just thought this was a very sweet photo of her. I wish that I had photographed more of this album. . maybe next time.
I want this to be a forum for stories from our families about our parents, grandparents and ancestors. As much as I enjoy genealogy, I love the stories --- they may not be "factual" but they will be true. Please contact Jaclyn Morgan (Contributor) if you have any information.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Family Bible of Valentine Fry
NOTES FROM THE FAMILY BIBLE OF VALENTINE FRY certified to be a true copy of the original document 9-27-1994 County of Wythe, State of VA. Mary N. Cassell Notary Public. (Was commissioned Mary N. Brown (or Bison) Commission expired 7-31-95.
"This holy Bible is the property of Valentine Fry of Wythe County, Commonwealth of Virginia. United States of North America. Western Continent, thereof. This Bible got 14 years before this date this Sat. the 22nd Dec. y 1839. ?? A hint, and a dash, to the knave; and a rub to the careless. B. Knaves; I pray, do not, let any be mean enough to steal this holy book, or any other, or any thing else: for fear of Sin, Shame, and disgrace. Therefore, let the knave who know's himself, not truly honest. to take the hint, and the dash. for a caution hereafter. how, careless, do not keep this holy book, or any other loan to you; for fear of Shame, and censure, and no reliance hereafter, to be given to thee. Moreover, If this book, or any other thing else should be stolen, or left gone by a loan, or otherwise, no matter how, if the honest hearted should find the same, or anything else, no matter how, he knows his duty is to make it known's, which show's the honest heart; with love to work divinely. And in returning the same to the owner, let it be he, or she, they let the world be known's that they have found the same that the owner of the same may pay your demands, if it be within the bountys of reason; And is no charge, or demands the more; I should you augment with love, and gratitude for your kind honesty. ____for your negligence. This is the end of the hint, and the dash to the knave, and the rub to the careless. Therefore, let both look up, and see the owner's name in full view, before your eyes. that you may make your escape from the above statements, as a prescription of your well wishes in a good cause. Search the Scriptures for proof of the Same, in this 39th vse. of the 5th chap. St. John. F.B. The time of life is the time to serve the Lord and therein, to commence the same devotion, is the vigour of thy youth, and there to continue untill death for your preservation, beyond the grave. Proof in Ditts.?
BIRTHS From the records of my father Holy Bible Wherein a record of 7 sons and ___Daughter and 3 died of the ____children
As? I? Valentine, was born on Friday, 17th March A.D. 1786. and wife Mary Kath. was born on Sunday the 19th. March, A.D. 1786. Child. Jacob was born on Sunday the 6th. April A.D. 1804
Andrew was born on Friday 13th May A.D. 1808. Hiram was born on Thurs. 8th March A.D. 1810. Absalom was born on Sat. 16th March A.D. 1811. Matilda was born on Sunday the 8th Oct. A.D. 1812. Isaac was born on Sat. 19th Sept, 1814. 7) Nehemiah was born on Thurs 7th Nov. A.D. 1816. 8) Mary was born on Sunday 27th. Sept. A.D.1818. 9) Elizabeth was born on Sat. 22nd, April A.D. 1820. 10)Susana was born on Thurs. 14th of Feb. A.D. 1822. 11) Deliah was born on Sunday 28th Dec. A.D. 1823. 12) Abram was born on Sunday the 21st Jan. A.D. 1827. 13) Jane was born on Sunday 4th of Jan. A.D. 1829. 14)Margaret was born on Thurs. the 28th July A.D. 1831.
MARRIAGES (County of Wythe) 12) Abraham married Leida? Estwood on Sat. the 1st March A.D. 1845. 13) Jane married Joseph Porter a neighbour, on Tues. 6th April A.D. 1847 Both of the County of Wythe, VA. 14) Jane, late Jane Porter married D___ ___ippi, a widower, on Thur. 28th Dec. A.D. 1848. (Both of Wythe County S. Virginia.)
DEATHS On Monday the 2nd Sept A.D. 1833, then my husband Val Fry who was the father of 13 children. departed this life. in his perfect senses in hope of being devout. Sunday the 12th Oct. A.D. 1845, then my Daughter Margaret Fry departed this life. in her 15th year, and in perfect senses, and supposes to be dearest? who was buried on Tues. the 14th Oct A.D. 1845 at 11 o.clock. both days beautiful. Tues. the 20th April 1847 then Joseph Porter son in law, departed this life in his perfect senses. who married Jane. Sunday 27th June 1847. ____the funeral of the above Margaret was preached by the Rev. W.B. Wint--- in his 47 year (Supposes)
BIRTHS John Mitchel Fry a grandchild was born on Thurs. the 2nd March A.D. 1837. Andrew Jackson Rosinbum? was born on Thurs. the 16th May A.D. 1839
Thanks to Suzy Fry who transcribed this information which she got from Rosa Bosch. This was all written by Mary Yonce Fry in 1830's. Double-click on the documents to enlarge them.