Sadly, the young man whose tombstone is above, William McKay, Junior, is involved in a situation in April and May below. I try not to editorialize while presenting these minutes, but Wm. McKay, Junior was only 6 years old when he was brought before the whole congregation to defend his behavior. . .
P. 42 Jan. 1869 ". . .the church proceeded to business the first thing was to serve a pastor for the ensuing year which was done in the Person of Elder Wm. McKay in whom we are well-pleased." According to the 1870 census, William McKay owned a sawmill---being a pastor was not a full-time job.
February and March 1869---there was no business.
April 1869 ". . .Martha Jane Dixon be excluded from the church charge Fornication also a motion was made and seconded that Br. Jos. Brown appointed a committy to cite Br. Wm. McKay, Junior to attend the next church meeting. . ."
May 1869 ". . .Br. Wm. McKay, Junior appeared and answered for himself. . .the church excluded said Br. from the church by request and disorderly conduct. . ." According to the 1870 census, Wm. McKay, Junior was 6 years old at this time.
June and July 1869, there was no business.
August 1869 ". . .there not being a quorum of male members present to do business it became the duty of the pastor to appoint the delegates to be held at Liberty Church: Br. J. P. Lollar and Robert Wilson were appointed. . .[also L. H. Lee was added]."
September had no business.
October 1869 ". . .an intire failure, neither pastor nor members appeared. If they did the clerk could not see them for he was there."
November 1869 ". . .this meeting closes out the present pastoral year with our beloved pastor Elder McKay and leaves the church without a pastor . . ."
Feb. 1870 ". . .it was motioned and seconded that Sister [Mahala] Frost should have letter where upon the church ordered the church clerk to prepare a letter. . .Br. Stephens being our missionary preacher stayed several days and preached quite a number of sermons for us and adjourned. . ."
March 1870 ". . .the church engaged the services of Elder J. Hensley [Joel Hensley]as their pastor for the present year. . ."
June 1870 ". . .Sister Emily Baker asked the church at Bethlehem for a letter of dismission. . ."
July 1870 ". . .the great need of a Church House. There was a subscription paper drawn up to see if a sufficient amount of money could be raised to be a church house and a committy of three appointed Superintend the business: Brother Robert Wilson, G.H. Frost and J.P. Lollar.
Aug. 1870 ". . .appointed Wm. McKay, Joseph Brown and John P. Lollar delegates to the Jefferson County Association to be held at Sandy Church.
Sept. 1870 ". . .it was motioned and seconded that J.J.Carrow [John J. Carrow] and S.B. Wilson [Solomon Bachelor Wilson, Margaret Mecarel Brown's father-in-law] be appointed treasurers to receive all monies that may be appropriated for the use of the Pastor."
Oct. 1870 ". . .the Church orders the Building Committy to proceed in building a church house. . ."
Not much business for November--double click on the photos to enlarge them.
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