Monday, July 19, 2010

Bethlehem Baptist Members 1880's

I'm working on the Bethlehem Baptist Church (Grubville, Mo) Records and found one more page of membership records---with my own great-great grandmother Catherine Brown Long. For more records spanning from 1860's-1930's, click here.
I'd known that she was buried in the Bethlehem Baptist Cemetery---this stone was placed by my grandfather Roy Long and his brother Clarence Long.
Double click to enlarge this, but I'll try to transcribe it. Some have partial death dates. At least one is repeated on another page: William G. Manion, James S. Williams, Lewis H. Lee, Joseph Brown, Catherine Long, Elizabeth Wideman, Michael McKay, Dennis Wilson, John P. Lollar, Silas M. McKay, Mary H. Manion, Nancy Wilson, Lucinda Wiley, Margaret Carrow, Elizabeth McKee, Sarah Wideman, Mildred Steel (dismissed by letter), Malinda Wilson, Febey C. Brown (Phoebe Evans Brown?), Elizabeth Balding, Martha Pounds, Margaret A. Lee, Malissa J. Brown, Eliza Wilson (colored), Alpha Whitsett, John S. McKay (dismissed by letter), Sophronia Miner, William Brown, Frances Lee, Mary F. Strickland.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jaclyn, I am new to your BlogSpot but I don't remember how I found it but am very happy I did. I am a McCarrell-Graham-Manion descendent. The Mary H Manion you have listed from the Bethlehem record is actually Mary Ann Simpson Manion. She is my 2x's great grandmother and was married to Frances Marion Manion. They are both buried at Bethlehem up in the far upper corner close to the road. Her daughter is Mary Clarice, and her granddaughter (my grandmother) is Mary Agnes. And my mother is Mary Jane. I am not a Mary but my daughter is. Unfortunately, she has all boys so she couldn't continue the name.
    Thank you for all your research and for doing this BlogSpot.

    Peggy Hudson


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