Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bethlehem Cemetery

My cousins Kathy, Steve and I visited Bethlehem Cemetery. Kathy is pointing out Louis Reiter our g-g grandfather---his stone is barely readable. Thank goodness it was next to his wife's Eliza E. (Tyrey) Reiter.
Newer ones were very nice like Joseph (1903) and Gladys Long (1904). Joseph was Jeptha Long's son and first cousin to our grandfather Roy Long.

Leo Long (1925-1981) and Anna Lee (1926-1986) was Joe and Gladys's son and his wife.
Fred Reiter (1874-1945) and Rose M. Bruns (1886-1954) were Roy Long's uncle and aunt. Fred's sister was our g-grandmother Mary Reiter Long.
Almost everyone in the cemetery is related to us. Dr. Milton Harbison and Amanda Graham Harbison are distant cousins.
These are Browns who are also distant cousins (our great-great grandmother was Catherine Caroline Brown)
Margaret Brown was Thomas and Jeptha Long's cousin. I believe she never married and lived with the Jeptha Longs until her death.
The Reabans are also cousins through the Harbisons and Grahams.
Julius Valle (1859-1947) and Betty E. Jones Valle (1863-1904). Julius is Eliza Tyrey Reiter's nephew---son of Caroline Tyrey Valle.
Vincent P 1869- 1953 and Annie J. Phenty 1876-1935. Annie was Mary Reiter Long's sister.
Amanda Ingalls born 17 March 1872, was also one of Mary Reiter Long's sisters.
Eliza E. Reiter born April 1, 1846 Died Oct. 29, 1906 Aged 60. Eliza Tyrey Reiter was my g-g grandmother married to Louis Reiter.
James Pounds born Feb. 24, 1794. He helped raise my g-g grandfather Milton Long.
Some were very hard to read. I think this is one of William Kane Graham's wives---Elizabeth. (he married two cousins named Elizabeth, and they are both buried in this cemetery---Elizabeth Long and Elizabeth Pounds)
William Graham died April 13, 1880 Aged 51 yrs. 6 m's 1 d'y---this is William Kane Graham brother of my g-g-g grandmother Mary "Polly" Graham Brown.
Milton and Catherine (Brown) Long died Jan. 7, 1894---obviously a new stone for my g-g grandparents
Madison Graham died Apr. 25, 1882. Aged 67 Yrs. He was also the brother of my g-g-g grandmother Mary "Polly" Graham Brown.


  1. It is rather sad that Mom and Dad and Dad's siblings are not buried there. I think it is wonderful that so many of the family are there and that you can connect the dotted lines. Too bad there isn't a map with the plots lined out because, as you said the older stones are deteriorating.

  2. Jerri Eoff SudderthJuly 13, 2010 at 7:28 PM

    About 17 or 18 years ago, my mon, daughter, and I visited Bethlehem Church Cemetery to visit the graves of my dad's family (Eoff). At that time, the caretaker had a plot map he and his wife had made of the area. Wish I'd had the sense to ask if I could copy it, though that would have been difficult, as it was all on one very large sheet. But a map did exist at one time. Perhaps some enterprising person can locate it.

  3. Sixteen or 17 years ago, my mom, daughter, and I visited Bethlehem Church Cem. to see the gravesites of my father's fathr (Eoff). At that time, the caretaker had a plot map he and his wife had made of the area. Wish I'd had the sense to ask if I could copy it, though that would have been difficult, as it was all on one very large sheet. But a map did exist at one time. Perhaps some enterprising person can locate it.

    Jerri Eoff Sudderth


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