Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bethlehem Baptist Membership 1896-1908

Marion F Manion 1840-1903 [son of Susan Graham and John Samuel Manion] Mary Ann [Simpson], his wife 1847-1888
Mary Ann [Pounds] Manion Born Dec. 2, 1834 Died June 12, 1894
Thomas Jefferson [Manion] Husb. of Mary Manion Born June 18, 1831 Died Feb. 9, 1903
Many of these people never left Bethlehem---they are still in the cemetery. I hope that someone gets some information out of these records---I'm doing my best to spell the names correctly, but if you have any corrections or comments, leave them in the comments section or "contact" Jaclyn Morgan. Double click to see when and how they joined or left the church. For the entire 80 years of records, click here. This membership listing begins with June 1896.

James Wideman by E and B [Experience and Baptism], Martha Bittick died 1926, America Montgomery, Lillie Perkins, J. W. Bittick, J.A. Adamas, Ella B. Williams (now Bittick), Millie Wilson (now Balou?), Berta Perkins (now Ricke), Bettie Perkins (now Tepee), Anna Perkins (now Coleman), Marion Manion, John L. Manion and wife, James Bittick, Thomas Manion, Josephine (Manion) Powers, Lucy Williams, Lucy Reed, Ed Johns, Carrie Wilson (now Manion), John Frost, Katie Adams (now Henry), Myra McKay, Harrison G. Hulsey, Carrie Wilson, Amanda [Reiter] Ingalls, Myrtle McKay, Anna C. Bittick (now Maness), Ray McKay.
These records are mostly for 1908: Geo. Buoy, Harry Bruns [married Cenith Catherine Long], Geo Hensen, L. Preston Williams, Ethel Harrison, Verna Harrison, Verda Wilson, Inez Lee (now Reed), Ben Miller, Mike Whitworth, Henen Wilson, Milton Wilson, John Ogle, Ed Wilson, Silas Lewis, Mrs. Minnie Johns, Lulu Thornhill (now Williams), Maud Williams, Hazel Wilson (now Drinnen), Mertha Williams, Mrs. Mary Whitworth, Jennie Bittick, Maud Perkins, Flora Frost (now Adams), Lora Reed, Flora Frost [sic], Mrs. Maggie Williams, Ed Johns [sic].

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