Adeline Graham Wilson mentioned 3 heirs in the previous post: Thomas J. Miller, Frederick A. Harbison (her brother Madison Martin Graham's grandson) and Ann Liza Wilson (her former-slave). Between this will and the subsequent lawsuit, we know almost all of her nieces, nephews for two generations. But, first, I probably need to list the children of William Graham and Margaret Graham (Adeline's brothers and sisters whom she outlived):
Thomas Jefferson Graham (1809)
Thompson Graham (1810-1843)
Mary "Polly" Graham (1811-1858)
Madison Martin Graham (1814-1882)
Thompson Graham (1810-1843)
Mary "Polly" Graham (1811-1858)
Madison Martin Graham (1814-1882)
Susan Graham (1815-1880)
Lucinda Graham (1816)
Arah Graham (1818-1847)
Theodore Graham (1820-1882)
Adeline Graham (1822-1900)
Margaret Julia Graham (1824-1889)
William Kane Graham (1825-1880)
Theodore Graham (1820-1882)
Adeline Graham (1822-1900)
Margaret Julia Graham (1824-1889)
William Kane Graham (1825-1880)
James Stephen Graham
Section 6: To Margaret V. Leeper---my niece four hundred dollars.
To Margaret Carrow, widow of John J. Carrow one hundred and fifty dollars.
To my niece Sarah I. Carnell one hundred and fifty dollars.
To my niece Sophronia Winer one hundred dollars.
To my niece Lydia Oles one hundred dollars.
Margeret V. Leeper is Margaret V. Lee, daughter of Arah Graham (Adeline's sister). Margaret Lee and John J. Carrow lived with Adaline and John Wilson in the 1850 Census. While "J.J." isn't related, his wife was a Wilson and his mother was a Lee---she was a sister to Giles Lee and Lewis Harrison Lee who married sisters of Adaline's.
Sarah Isabelle Carnell is the daughter of William Kane Graham (Adeline's brother); Sophronia Winer is the daughter of Margaret Julia Graham Lee (Adeline's sister). Lydia Oles (Lydia Olds)and her husband King Oles, Kingsley Olds, (named in the lawsuit) was a mystery until I got a newspaper article from a cousin and saw the correct spelling of the name. She is also known as Lydam Graham daughter of Theodore Graham (Adeline's brother)
1860 Census---note Margaret is still with them, J.J. Carrow is nearby and the value of the estate has increased by 1250%
Sophronia Lee and Margaret Lee are mentioned later in the will, too:The above bequest of four hundred dollars to my niece Margaret V. Leeper was written in advertance. I bequeath to said Margaret V. Leeper two hundred dollars but no more.Although I'm typing this off a typed copy someone (Ginny Guinther?) sent me, I wonder what the original looked like and why the legacy to Margaret Leeper wasn't just changed---no white out? Was it dictated and just written verbatim? But to continue with Section 6:
I bequeath to Adaline Leeper daughter of my niece Margaret V. Leeper my gold watch and chain.
In addition to the above provisions for my niece Sophronia Winer I bequeath to her a feather bed, bedstead and bedding with five bed covers of quilts and blankets, two pillows and bolster, to be selected by her.
We have a number of Arahs in the family: Arah Graham (1818-1847), Ara Leeper (1880-1880), Ara Melvina Lee (1849-1892), Arah Jane Brown (b. 1841). Arah Brown married John W. Davis; Arah Graham(Adeline's sister) married Giles Lee; Ara Melvina Lee (daughter of Adeline's sister Margaret Julia Graham) married Gottlieb Sievers---her sons were William Albert Sievers and Charles L. Sievers. I don't know who Arah E. Pierce is.
To each of the sons of my niece Arah Sievers deceased Seventy five dollars
To my niece Mary M. Steel wife of George Steel one hundred dollars.
To Annie Brown daughter of my nephew John Brown seventy five dollars.
To my niece Arah E. Pierce one hundred fifty dollars.
I don't know who Annie Brown is although John [Paron] Brown is the son of Adaline's sister Mary "Polly" Graham. John had a daughter Margarite (Margaret) Brown but I don't see an Annie. Mary M. Steel is the daughter of Adaline's sister Margaret Julie Graham Lee.
To my niece Mary J. Graham one hundred dollars.
To John Bittick, Julia Bittick, Flora Bittick, Jesse Bittick, Grace Bittick and Oliver Bittick children of my deceased niece Martha A. Bittick, each seventy five dollars.
To my niece Mrs. Amanda Harbison, three hundred dollars.
To my niece Angeline Crull, wife of John Crull, one hundred and fifty dollars.
To George Graham, son of my deceased brother Madison Graham one hundred and fifty dollars.
Mary Jane Graham Boyd (1872-1964)was the daughter of William Kane Graham (Adeline's brother). Martha Adeline Lee Bittick (1854-1887) was the daughter of Margaret Julia Graham Lee. Flora is sometimes listed as Aurora Floyd Bittick. Angeline Crull (b. 1857) is probably Margaret Angeline Lee, another daughter of Margaret Julia Graham. This George Graham(1857-1926) is the son of Madison Graham (Adeline's brother).
To George Graham, son of my deceased brother William Graham four hundred dollars.
To my niece Adelia Whitter one hundred fifty dollars.
To Martha Adaline Brown, daughter of my deceased nephew Thompson Brown one hundred and fifty dollars.
This George Graham (1861-1940) is the son of William Kane Graham. I don't know who Adelia Whitter is and she isn't mentioned in the later lawsuit. There are still Whitter's living in the Jefferson County area and hopefully I'll find out who she is. I don't have any information on Martha Adaline Brown the daughter of Thompson Brown and she also is not mentioned in the lawsuit. There is an Adaline Brown Clemens who is Thompson's sister---she's in the lawsuit but not in the will.
Although Adeline had hundreds of nieces and nephews when she died, she singled out the ones she helped raise, children of her sister Margaret Julia Graham Lee and almost all of those with the name Adeline (Adaline Brown Clemens seems to be an exception). To be fair, look through the censuses and you'll see McKays and Carrows also had daughters named Adeline which says a lot about Adeline Graham's character.
There is more to the will and this part names many of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit that followed.
The Bittick children mentioned are from Oliver Delore Bittick - aka 'OD'. He his my great-grandfather who was an ordained Baptist minister and school teacher. After Martha died, 'OD' married her niece, Ara Belle Lee. My grandfather is their son, Paul Baker Bittick - aka 'Bake'. You can find some of this information on our Bittick website:
Need more info - drop me a note.
Mary Bittick Gallano