Saturday, November 7, 2009

Letter from Junior 1944

(Vennie Wicker on porch, Hampton Adams, Norma Long Adams, Junior McKay)
Hal Floyd McKay SK 2/c was my Dad's cousin "Junior". They were about the same age. Apparently Junior had been in the Navy for some time---the letter says he "hasn't seen the states in 20 months." Since he says that's it's like spring all year round, I'm guessing he's in Hawaii since I know Dad saw quite a number of his Maupin/McKay cousins there---even waving to one as their ships passed.

Mostly the first page is talking about the women who write him and his drinking habits.The second page talks about my Aunt Maxine (pictured below) and her husband Bob Delaney. Junior says he had intended to get married when he got home but his sister "Mart" told him "what the score was." The "Charles" he mentions was Martha's husband Charles Lalumondier. I remember Mom saying that Junior had sent grass skirts and thought there were photos of her wearing one, but I can't find them.
Hampton Adams, Junior McKay, Norma Long Adams
Maxine Long Delaney, Louise Wicker Long

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