Sunday, October 18, 2009

Milton Long and DNA

This summer, we got an e-mail from Family Tree DNA that we matched L.H. Long on 67 markers---that means we are pretty closely related. He was about the 5th person we matched 67 markers on, but we have never found HOW we were related. I wrote back to L.H. to welcome him to our DNA Band of Brothers. L.H., being a very savvy octogenarian, saw that I had this blog. He clicked on the link, looked around and wrote me this e-mail:
"we have a picture of Milton Long and wife. We have several tintype picture that we are unable to identify. Jaclyn - seen blog - Milton's pic same - Johnnye Van Hook - 2nd cousin once removed - came upon a box pic and tintype in Chatsworth, Ga - where she was attending a funeral. Va Hook is from Texas. No names on picture."
I was stunned. Milton's father, Thomas Long (b. 1792), had moved to Missouri around 1812. Milton's parents died around 1840. If Milton was born in 1830, this photo was probably made in 1860-70's. And, yet, this photo was in a box which L.H. Long had in Alabama. Thank goodness, several other events also happened. Janice B. had put together a Long family history and Vincent had his DNA also analyzed. Those verified that Thomas Long was the son of Bromfield Long(b. 1749) who left Virginia to settle in Kentucky with four of his children moving on to Missouri. With Janice's help, we were able to determine that L.H.'s ancestor was probably Bromfield's brother William (b. 1770)

I am so impressed that great-uncle William's family was still corresponding with his brother's orphan grandson. And, this is photo mystery #3 this month---I identified one of mine "Valle Girls?", a Texas Maupin cousin identified one of theirs "Maupin Siblings" and L.H.Long in Alabama identified one of his. Isn't the internet marvelous!?

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