Monday, July 13, 2009

Elizabeth Ellen Tyrey Reiter

Eliza is also my great-great-grandmother (my grandfather Roy Long's grandmother). Her father Jacob Tyrey (the surname was probably not spelled that way) came from Germany and settled in Wisconsin (mining) before coming to Missouri. Her mother Celicia Gilpatrick or Kilpatrick(probably a Scotch-Irish name) was from Tennessee---I don't know any more about either of them.

I've mentioned before that being related to someone famous doesn't interest me, nor does having a family tree back to the dawn of man. I'm interested in where my ancestors lived and why they moved. My cousins Gwendolyn and Ira Pigg just sent me a package with some documents they copied for me. Above is an envelope that had her pension check in it (her husband Louis Reiter was a Civil War veteran). I don't think she actually lived in Oermann, Missouri, but nearby---this is on the Morse Mill-Grubville Road (I think)
If you look in quadrants 19 and 20, you'll see the name "Elizabeth Reuter" whom I believe to be Elizabeth Reiter. I've found spelling mistakes on every relative in this 1898 atlas.
The 1900 census shows who lived around her, and I can find all of those names near her on that Atlas page. She still had Annie Josephine Reiter Phenty and Edward William Reiter living with her. Below is a note she wrote Annie:
Aug. 12, 1898
To Annie
A life can be well ended
if it has been well spent.
Eliza E. Reiter


  1. I am also a descendent of Jacob Tyrey and Celicia Gilpatrick. Our records call her Celeste Kilpatrick. They came down the Mississippi with their 2 oldest children Caroline and Francis Marion (from whom I am descended) on a flat boat. Have more info. Sadly, Jacob spent his last years in the Jefferson County Poor

  2. Please contact me at if you have any more information on the Tyrey family. Or, use the envelope at the bottom of the entry to contact me.

  3. You can "right click" on any photos and save them to your computer.


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information. :-)