Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Inside Mary Reiter Long's Bible

Thomas Henry Long and Mary Reiter Long seated. L-R: Curtis Long, Cecil Long Dodson, Clarence Long, Katie Long Bruns, Fred Long, Lecy Long Guinther, Roy Long, Lawrence Long, George Long, John Long (Estie Long not there).

The Bible was apparently not just a source of inspiration but was used as a file drawer, also. . .unless she used slips of paper as book marks like I usually do. There were many things in her Bible that weren't exactly religious, but they are a slice of life in the 1920's and 1930's. (I've photographed some on the page where they were found)I've often heard my mother comment on how much people of the Depression loved Edgar A. Guest's poems.

There were several slips of paper with addresses as well. I think this hospital was in St. Louis. Another address was "6757 Schofield Pl." David Long informed me recently this was Lecy Long and Harry Guinther's address. There is a Schofield Av. in the University City area. I have notes that say my dad (LeRoy Long) lived with Lawrence in University City at some time to help pay the rent---he lived several streets over near Page and Pennsylvania.
Other fun items stuck in the pages are T.H. Long's subscription to a The Farm Journal, a valentine (no name on it), and a gift tag from George and Pauline Long.
Some receipts from the A & P grocery and one from a David Gillman Dry Goods in De Soto, Mo.

The paper above and below are from the Dept. of Agriculture (Nov. 1933) about an adjustment program for corn-hog producers. I thought that was an interesting chart below showing exports to Europe.
There were two clippings from the paper---one was an obituary for George B. Morse (born at Morse Mill) and the other a social update on who was visiting whom. The last one mentions Mrs. W. D. Alderson---I know an Alderson family had an adjoining farm. The other side is page 2 of an obituary but there are no names with it---just condolences "It was great consolation to his loved ones when just about a week before death relieved him of his sufferings he made a profession of his faith in Christ. . ."
This was my favorite---a dress pattern and a slip of paper that says "plow ____ no. 19". Such is the life of a farmer's wife!

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