Thursday, February 5, 2009

Morgan Letters June 1945

Grover and Davis on Missouri Pacific train from St. Louis to Louisiana, May 1945

In the letter marked June 15, 1945, Ellice talks about sending Eloise "points"---I'm thinking this was like Betty Crocker coupons cut off packages to be redeemed for kitchen equipment. I'm wondering if the "McLaughlins" are Janice Morgan's family. Ellice clearly does NOT want Mason getting involved with the coal mines.
Alexandria, Louisiana, April 1945

H.B. Morgan's letter is mostly about "the crew" at the mine and his purchase of a concrete block machine.
Eloise, Davis, Harry; Alexandria, Louisiana; June 1945

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember anything about those train trips during wartime, except Dad always said that when the blackout curtains were pulled down after sunset, I would keep all the other passengers [soldiers] awake by constantly asking to "See outside! See outside!"


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