James Wesley Wicker with Louise Wicker Long--man on the right is unknown
The internet has been fabulous for family history researchers. My double Wicker-Williams cousin Rick Philhours very generously shared some photos which he had. Two photos had been in his grandfather's tobacco pouch. I looked at the photos and could tell they were relatives, but when I looked at the clothes, I realized that they were Civil War era photos. Both Rick and I believe the top photo is John W. Wicker (Wes's grandfather---pretty similar in looks). So, again I've manged to locate an ancestor's photo in the past 6 months. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo of Wes's father who died in his early 20's before Wes was born.
The woman below was undoubtedly the spouse of the top photo---it looks like they had been in matching frames at one time. Again, I could tell she was related. At first, I thought I saw my mother in her face and then, it came to me---mother's sister Billie!
Billie Wicker Curran, 1940's
So, we believe she is Virginia (Mary) Sampson Wicker---sister of Tennessee Sampson Parent. (Get it Virginia and Tennessee?)
that IS crazy how much billie looks like her!