Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ellice Smith Morgan letter, Garner P.S. April 25, 1945

[Letter from Ellice Morgan to Eloise and Grover Morgan and family, in Louisiana, April 25, 1945. Short (typed) P.S. at end from Garner Morgan, requesting a roll of new film. Scrapbook page with notes from Grover Morgan is about Landville, W. VA. which is mentioned in the letter]

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Wednesday April 25 / 45

Dearest Gang,

How's every little thing? Most all fine here. I hope the water has gone down there to stay down there. If there is anything I don't like less than a lot of water it's more water. I haven't forgotten that time at Landville when we had the cloudburst on one side and the river out of banks on the other. It was sure scary. I guess you don't remember do you? We had rain here last nite.

My potatoes are coming up nicely. Got your letter today. I am so glad you are coming home soon. Yess I have plenty ham & applesauce, chicken too. Looks like poor little Paul won't be home soon. Got a letter from him yesterday. Said he ought to hear something about it next month.

I hear by the radio that the boys sort of worked on Hitler's hideout. Just hope he was there don't you?

Honey I don't know of anything the boys could catch. Mason's kids are about over the whooping cough.

Well you tell Davis there is a big spank coming to him if he doesn't know me when he comes for I told him not to forget me and he said he wouldn't.

Well I'll be looking for you . Have a good trip. Well it's 15 after eleven, I better go. So long.

My love to all,
Mother and Boys

[An extra bit for the wee ones]


Dear Grover,

Do you suppose you could find a few rolls of 616 film? I wanted to take some pictures of people and places at school before graduation. Senior day is May 11, I would like to have a roll then.

I suppose the boys are all excited about coming to the farm. Or have you told them yet?

Have you taken any pictures of the flood?

The above is another Landville memory of Grover's---his grandfather Ballard Smith died there and his coffin was from the upstairs of a furniture store.

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