Friday, October 17, 2008

Grover Morgan Wins Welding Study Award - Fall 1942

[Newspaper Article, undated, w/ picture] Prenter Man, 24, Wins Welding Study Award

Grover D. Morgan, 25, a welder of Prenter, has been named recipient of a $150 award by the James A. Lincoln arc welding foundation, Cleveland, O., in its nation-wide $200,000 industrial study of arc welding.

Morgan, who has been employed by the Red Parrot Coal company three years, won the award for a paper he prepared describing the repair of car and locomotive tires and wheels by building them up to required standards using bits of junk steel instead of more expensive carbon rod. He reported a savings of $3.57 a wheel by his method.

His paper was declared to be an important unit in the Lincoln foundation study which covered every phase of industry and brought out the fact that $1,325,000.00 and 153,000,000 man-hours can be saved by adoption of arc welding over other methods.

Morgan, who attended Concord College, is married and has a year old son. Morgan said that in his opinion, welding rates second only to steel production in the utilization of scrap steel.

(Grover Morgan was my father)

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