Thursday, October 23, 2008

Annie Reed--early years

Annie Reed was born in Valle Mines, Mo (Jefferson County) on Feb. 22, 1866 to William Reed (Farncombe) and Frances Glanville. She was their second born child (after William, Jr) of 9. I have a distant cousin to thank for this precious photo of Annie. According to the records, she was 100% English---her father was born in England and her mother's parents (William Glanville and Frances Hancock) also emigrated from England. Another distant cousin says her name was Anna, but we only knew her by Annie Reed (even after she was married, the family called her "Annie Reed")

Although I don't have many stories about her childhood, I do have this taken from the newspaper--a cousin found it at the DeSoto Library and copied it for me.

Friday 9 May 1894


Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Henry Maupin to Miss Annie Reed, May 7th, 1884. The ceremony was performed by his honor the mayor, D.D. Goff. The bride was attended by Miss Hickman, and the groom by the bride's brother, Mr. Wm. Reed, Jr. The bride was most beautifully dressed in a sky blue silk trimmed with orange blossoms. The bridesmaid was dressed in a beautiful changeable blue silk. The broom [groom] was dressed in elegant black broadcloth and his best man in the same style. There was a select few of the immediate relatives present which made one of the most pleasant companies it was ever our good fortune to be in. The spread a perfect banquet and everything that heart could desire or the most fastidious epicure could wish was on the table.

Although I don't have photos of their wedding, I do have photos of Henry (above) and Annie (below). I don't know when the photos were taken but I assume they were before 1920.
Annie Reed and Henry Maupin were the parents of Vivian Maupin Long who was the mother of my father LeRoy Long.

1 comment:

  1. thanks! learned a lot!

    sounds like annie reed would be a good ancestor to be named after ... if no one has ever said anything bad about her! :) [if anybody is needing a good family GIRL name!]


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