Grandpa Wicker's cousin, Helen Williams Bateman, commented to me several times that someone in the Williams family was a Catholic (pretty unusual in Southeast Missouri Bootheel) and she wanted me to look into it. I finally found it.
My great grandmother was Macy Williams (Helen's aunt). Macy's mother was Mary Ann Pullam. Her mother was Ally Jane Vaughn. Her mother was Nancy Dyer the daughter of William Dyer.
Some families have stories about someone being an Indian Princess or on the Mayflower, but my family has stories about someone being Catholic. Well, I did finally find that there is a possibility through Nancy Dyer's step mother. So, my 4 great grandmother's step mother was a Catholic and possibly she also converted Nancy, who was born in 1811, the same year her mother Gracie McG(K)ee Dyer died.
I found this story on Ancestry: William Dyer Family from "History of Union County, Kentucky" 1886.
"If any family in Union County deserves the reputation of being a Union County family, it must be the Dyer family. the founder of the stock was one of the first settlers, and he raised a large family, all of whom, except one, married and raised families. Most of these children lived and died in Union County, and there are now probably more members of the Dyer family within Union County than any other race.
This family was founded by Wm. Dyer, a blacksmith, who was born in Virginia in 1780. He came to Union Country in 1804, and settled where Morganfield now stands. He married Gracie/Grizzell McGee in Virginia, before coming here. His first four (sic) children were by her. Family lore says that the family of William Dyer and the family of John Mason came to Kentucky together, by way of flat boat to Henderson County, Kentucky. However, it was 1804, that the families arrived at the mouth of the Lost Creek after their trip down the Ohio River and pushed themselves up on shore and selected their home sites. Per the 1810 census, the dyers had a household of three sons and one daughter under 10 years of age and four adults. It is believed that Gracie McGee died around 1811.
William Dyer served in the War of 1812, so must have left his family of children with a neighbor or kin while he was away. He served for six months as a private in the 11th Regiment of the Kentucky Militia under Slaughters; part of the time he was hospitalized at Baton Moure, Louisiana. In 1816, William Dyer married Anna Harris and had six children with her. the new Mrs. Dyer was a Catholic and raised their children in this faith.
Wm. Dyer is said to have been one of the men who located the county seat of Morganfield. Tradition as it that he in company with other commissioners, were reclining on the bank near the spring, slightly feeling the effects of fatigue and Jeremiah Riddle's whiskey, when Mr. Dyer threw his cane up the hill toward where the Court House now stands, and proclaimed oracularly, that there would be the county capital. He was a man of impulse, but integrity.
An illustration of this is seen in an incident of his life, that is related as follows: A neighbor of his, by the name of Gwinn, had a horse that was constantly breaking into Dyer's cornfield. After sending word to Mr. Gwinn several times to keep the trespassing horse off his corn, Mr Dyer shot the offending animal and then sent the price of the horse down to Morganfield to its owner. Mr. Dyer died in 1832. All his children died rather young. There seems to have been considerable consumption in the family. His trade has staid (sic) in the family. His sons, John and Nathan, were good regular blacksmiths, and Harvey and James did the work for their farms. John Will, the son of John Dyer and John Nathan, is the only one now in the business." Additionally, the Dyer family also passed on to their inlaws the trade of blacksmithing. This trade was shared with Roland Cecil Sr. as he married Mary Huldah Dyer.
Supposedly, when William Dyer died, he was buried on the family property. However, in 1966 a Waller Young owned the property and said that he never saw a tombstone there in the 20 years that he had lived on the property. He did recall plowing throw (sic) the land where the old Dyer blacksmith shop had once stood.
Thanks to familyhistorycrw on for these stories.
I want this to be a forum for stories from our families about our parents, grandparents and ancestors. As much as I enjoy genealogy, I love the stories --- they may not be "factual" but they will be true. Please contact Jaclyn Morgan (Contributor) if you have any information.
Friday, December 21, 2018
Friday, July 20, 2018
William Edward Reiter
THE DESLOGE SUN, Desloge, St. Francois Co. MO, Tues. May 5, 1925
W. E. Reiter, 42 years of age, who had made his home in DeSoto until three or four months ago when he was placed in the state hospital at Farmington for treatment, committed suicide by hanging, in his room in that institution, early Friday morning.
Reiter had seemed as usual, Thursday and had spent the day, or a part of the day, in doing certain work that had been assigned to him. He had always been quiet and had not given the attendants any reason to fear that he contemplated an attempt on his life.
The night attendant in the building where Reiter had his room, says he last saw the unfortunate man alive at 1 o'clock Friday morning, when he was making a tour of inspection of the building. Reiter asked for a drink of water at this time, which was given to him. The attendant next went to this room at 5 o'clock in the morning to awaken the occupant.
He found Reiter hanging, lifeless by a window. He had taken a sheet from his bed and had wrapped one end of the sheet around his neck, had passed the other end over a large hinge that held a shutter at the window, securing the ends deftly, and so they would not slip. Evidently he had stood on the window ledge while making these preparations and had then jumped off. The window was sufficiently high to prevent his feet from reaching the floor. Reiter had died of strangulation, his neck not having been broken.
Coroner J. R. Horne of Elvins conducted an inquest Friday morning at the state hospital. The remains were taken to DeSoto for burial.
William Edward Reiter was my great-great uncle (my great grandmother's brother). For more on him, click here. Thanks to Stephan W. who found this article and sent it to me.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Prince Family
Dolly Cates and Vennie Watson (standing) |
First, I found her mother's family (well, not Mattie's parents so much as her grandparents and further back). We had been searching Silas but the name was Sollis. At least I'd known Mattie's name and death date. Her husband, Vennie's father, was more of a mystery.
G. W. Watson was all I knew of his name (mother thought it might have been George). The only document I had was his marriage certificate to Mattie "Silas" in Malden Mo. He died when grandma was a baby from a horse riding accident. One of the problems was the name Watson---I was already a Watson on my grandfather's side. Finally, through DNA, I found a woman whose great grandmother was from the family of Arthur Watson and Minerva Prince. It sounded very promising since her great grandmother's name was Vinnie which was similar to my grandmother Vennie. Also, my aunt had told me that Grandma's name was Minerva Lou at one time. So, Grandma maybe had a grandmother named Minerva and an aunt named Vinnie. They were from Dyersburg, TN which is where Mattie Sollis was also from. Sounded very promising.
From there, I decided to see if there were any Princes I was related to. And, YES, I found a Prince family in Tennessee who had a Sirilda Minerva Prince!
While we believe Grandma's grandmother Minerva to be Sirilda Minerva's first cousin, we don't know who Minerva's parents were. However we believe Thomas and Jonathan Prince to be uncles (based on DNA where we can tell what generation our common ancestors are) This is from a book that Robert Layton wrote on the Prince family. He has given me permission to re-print the stories and notes.
Thomas Prince and family moved to Pike Co., MO ca 1842 where he was supposedly murdered ca 1847, after which Rebecca took the kids and went with her brother (J.C. Davis) and family to Oregon Terr. (1849).
Thomas and JE’s sister Eleanor Prince married Jonathon C. Davis (“C” for “Carson “), Rebecca’s brother.
Here are some notes from the book written in the ‘80’s :
- “...our Prince roots go well beyond the second decade of nineteenth century Tennessee. Research has, however, been complicated by recurring erroneous recording of "Prince" as "Price", by early clerks and census takers, and by the lack of marriage records and wills for pre-1840 Tennessee. As a result, the extensive work by the author, Ina Layton Lane, Ivy Whited Koher, and others has thus far failed to turn up more than the following series of coincidences:
- · the PRINCE name does not appear on census or tax records for White County, Tennessee prior to 1835. both OUR Thomas Prince and a Jonathan E. Prince turn up in the same year in the same tax district of White County, Tennessee
- · this Jonathan E. Prince married the daughter of Augustus Davis's neighbor, William Irwin.
- · descendants of this Jonathan E. Prince note that his mother was born in Tennessee and his father in Virginia ?? remember that our Thomas and Eleanor Prince's mother was also born in Tennessee and their father also born in Tennessee.
- · descendants of this Jonathan E. Prince note that he "...had a brother by the name of Thomas who headed West and was never heard from again. They thought he had gone to join the Mormons" letter dated November 2, 1982 from Mr. Ralph Prince of Gladewater, Texas.
- His mother was born in TN, father was born in VA according to the 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 census for Ellis County, TX.
- Referring to Jonathan E. Prince, Miller Prince wrote that "My grandfather, I am told, was either Holland Dutch or German and was named Prinz. He came to the U.S. as a boy, grew to manhood in Virginia, migrated to North Central Tennessee, married a half breed Cherokee Indian girl and came to Texas in 1837 or 1838.”
- The following account by Amanda Prince was provided by Mrs. Marjorie Rogers. "Thomas was a cabinet builder, furniture maker and horse trader. About July 1846, when his daughter Rebecca Jane was two months old, he left home with a load of furniture and some horses. After he was gone for a while, two men came and told Rebecca, his wife that they had found Thomas Prince laying in a spring dying. He became conscious long enough to tell them who he was and to give them her address and sent her $75 for a horse he had sold. The money for the furniture was never heard of. They told her they had buried him and marked the grave so she could find it. She always thought he was murdered and the money and load of furniture taken. She never thought for one moment that these two men were guilty. They were explorers. She sent two men to investigate and the grave was found just as the strangers had told her. She knew it was true. This happened in Mexico." The Mexico referred to in this account was probably Mexico, Missouri - - county seat of Audrain County, which borders Pike County on the southwest. It should also be noted that some historians claim that Thomas died while enroute to Oregon with his family in 1849.
- NOTE: I have remained somewhat skeptical of the account of Thomas's death in light of the fact that in 1850, a Thomas Prince shows up in Howard County, Missouri (dwelling 7, family 7, p. 142/283), age 38 (born Virgina) with wife Mary A. age 27 (born Missouri) and have speculated that Thomas may have simply left Rebecca and his "first family" for another. - RWL.
- "Thomas was a happy good natured man with blue eyes and brown hair."
- In another account written by Amanda Prince, we are told, "Thomas Prince was English, a very large man, blue eyes, brown hair and of a very jolly disposition. Rebecca Davis was half English and half Irish, more of a serious disposition..."
Edited in 2022: Some have suggested the name was originally Prinz (a German name), but recent DNA shows my mother to have had no German.