I want this to be a forum for stories from our families about our parents, grandparents and ancestors. As much as I enjoy genealogy, I love the stories --- they may not be "factual" but they will be true. Please contact Jaclyn Morgan (Contributor) if you have any information.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Amanda Reiter
June 1904 "Sister Amanda Ingalls called for letter from Bethlehem Church which was granted. Also Ada Robinson called for letter which was granted. The Clerk was ordered to write same. Meeting then elected delegates to attend Jefferson County Baptist Association as follows: Bro. James G. McCulloch, J.P. McKay and George W. Harrison. . ." Bro. E.J. Hemrick, Moderator; George W. Harrison, Church Clerk.
Amanda Reiter Ingalls is one of the women right above the fence post in the group photo. She was also one of my great-grandmother's sisters. I am not sure why they left Bethlehem Baptist Church where my great grandmother, one sister and two brothers and her parents are buried. But, she did leave an infant daughter behind in Bethlehem Cemetery--Rowena. For more information on the Ingalls' Family and photos of their children, click here. Amanda's granddaughter has since contacted me and sent this photo of Amanda and her daughter Gertrude from about the 1920's. For the information Marge sent me, click here.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Annie Reiter
Annie Reiter Phenty (1876-1935)
July 1903 ". . .Historical Committee not ready to report. 4th L. H. Reiter and wife called from letters for our Bethlehem Church which was granted. . . ."
Annie Reiter Phenty was one of my great-grandmother's (Mary Celecy Reiter Long) sisters. Annie married rather late in life at 35 (1911) to Vincenty Phenty and had no children. Her sister Elizabeth (Betty) Reiter had held an office at Bethlehem Baptist as had her brother Louis H. Reiter (Clerk and Collector) before he left for Montana (see below)
July 1903 ". . .Historical Committee not ready to report. 4th L. H. Reiter and wife called from letters for our Bethlehem Church which was granted. . . ."
But, I was a little surprised to see that Annie Josephine Reiter had also been elected to an office. By all accounts "she was wierd" "she was odd". Although her nieces and nephew might not have appreciated all of her qualities, I was very pleased to see that she was recognized and appreciated by her church.
Aug. 1903 ". . .1st Church proceeded to elect pastor for ensuing year which resulted in re-electing E. J. Hemrick. 2nd. by motion Sister Annie Reiter [photo at the top of the page] and Bro. W.W. Powers was appointed Solicitors. . ." E.J. Hemrick mod. Geo. W. Harrison CC